
Corporate Actions

Please select which corporate action you would like to initiate:

Entity Name Change

Current Entity Name
Please specify an answer

Please select the preferred new name of entity along with two additional name options.

Preferred Entity Name
Please specify an answer
Name option 2
Please specify an answer
Name option 3
Please specify an answer

Change of Director

Please confirm the entity name where you want to change the director(s)

Entity Name
Please specify an answer

Would you like to make any changes to the current directors?

Change of Controller

Please confirm the entity name where you want to change the controller(s)

Entity Name
Please specify an answer

Would you like to make any changes to the current controller(s)?

Change of Shareholder

Please confirm the entity name where you want to change the shareholder(s)

Entity Name
Please specify an answer

Would you like to make any changes to the current shareholder?

Remove Director(s)

Which director(s) would you like to remove

Director 1
Please specify an answer
Director 2
Please specify an answer
Director 3
Please specify an answer
Director 4
Please specify an answer

Now lets add the new director(s)

Remove Controller(s)

Which controller(s) would you like to remove

Controller 1
Please specify an answer
Controller 2
Please specify an answer
Controller 3
Please specify an answer
Controller 4
Please specify an answer

Now lets add the new controller(s)

Remove Shareholder(s)

Which shareholder(s) would you like to remove

Shareholder 1
Please specify an answer
Shareholder 2
Please specify an answer
Shareholder 3
Please specify an answer
Shareholder 4
Please specify an answer

Would you like to add any new shareholder(s)?

Remove Shareholder(s)

Which shareholder(s) would you like to remove

Shareholder 1
Please specify an answer
Shareholder 1 Ownership:
Shareholder 2
Please specify an answer
Shareholder 2 Ownership:
Shareholder 3
Please specify an answer
Shareholder 3 Ownership:
Shareholder 4
Please specify an answer
Shareholder 4 Ownership:

Once the ownership distribution of all remaining shareholders is determined you can submit the change of shareholder for us to process.

New Director 1

First we will need to determine whether the director will be a individual or a corporate director.

Will the first new director be an individual or a company?

New Shareholder 1

First we will need to determine whether the shareholder will be a individual or a corporate shareholder.

Will the first new shareholder be an individual or a company?

New Director 1

Please fill out the following details of the new director of @entity-director-change

Personal Details

First & Middle Name
Please enter the first name
Last Name
Please enter the last name
Please select a the date of birth
Please enter the Nationality
Place of Birth
Please enter the place of birth
Email address
Please enter a valid email address
Phone Number
Please specify an answer

Address Details

Please enter a the address
Please enter the city
Postal Code
Please enter the postal code
Please enter the province
Please enter the country

Would you like to add another director?

New Controller 1

Please fill out the following details of the new controller of @entity-controller-change

Personal Details

First & Middle Name
Please enter the first name
Last Name
Please enter the last name
Please select a the date of birth
Please enter the Nationality
Place of Birth
Please enter the place of birth
Email address
Please enter a valid email address
Phone Number
Please specify an answer

Address Details

Please enter a the address
Please enter the city
Postal Code
Please enter the postal code
Please enter the province
Please enter the country

New Shareholder 1

Please fill out the following details of the new shareholder of @entity-shareholder-change

Personal Details

First & Middle Name
Please enter the first name
Last Name
Please enter the last name
Please select a the date of birth
Please enter the Nationality
Place of Birth
Please enter the place of birth
Email address
Please enter a valid email address
Phone Number
Please specify an answer

Address Details

Please enter a the address
Please enter the city
Postal Code
Please enter the postal code
Please enter the province
Please enter the country
Ownership: %

Would you like to add another shareholder?

New Corporate Director 1

Please fill out the following details of the new corporate director of @entity-director-change

Company Details Details

Company Name
Please enter the first name
Company Number
Please enter the first name
Please select a the date of birth
Place of Incorporation
Please enter the place of birth
Email address
Please enter a valid email address
Phone Number
Please specify an answer

Registered Address Details

Registered Address
Please enter a the address
Please enter the city
Postal Code
Please enter the postal code
Please enter the province
Please enter the country

As you declared a corporate director, we are required to gather personal details of each Ultimate Beneficial Owner which owns 10% or more.

New Corporate Shareholder 1

Please fill out the following details of the new corporate shareholder of @entity-shareholder-change

Company Details Details

Company Name
Please enter the first name
Company Number
Please enter the first name
Please select a the date of birth
Place of Incorporation
Please enter the place of birth
Email address
Please enter a valid email address
Phone Number
Please specify an answer

Registered Address Details

Registered Address
Please enter a the address
Please enter the city
Postal Code
Please enter the postal code
Please enter the province
Please enter the country
Ownership: %

As you declared a corporate shareholder, we are required to gather personal details of each Ultimate Beneficial Owner which owns 10% or more.

New Director

Please fill out the following UBO details of the new director of @entity-director-change

UBO 1 Details

First & Middle Name
Please enter the first name
Last Name
Please enter the last name
Please select a the date of birth
Please enter the Nationality
Place of Birth
Please enter the place of birth
Email address
Please enter a valid email address
Please enter a the address

Address Details

Please enter a the address
Please enter the city
Postal Code
Please enter the postal code
Please enter the province
Please enter the country

Does @CD-1-name have additional UBO's?

Would you like to add another director @entity-director-change?

If no further UBO's or directors need to be added you can submit the information and our customer success team will get started!

New Shareholder

Please fill out the following UBO details of the new shareholder of @entity-shareholder-change

UBO 1 Details

First & Middle Name
Please enter the first name
Last Name
Please enter the last name
Please select a the date of birth
Please enter the Nationality
Place of Birth
Please enter the place of birth
Email address
Please enter a valid email address
Please enter a the address

Address Details

Please enter a the address
Please enter the city
Postal Code
Please enter the postal code
Please enter the province
Please enter the country

Does @Corporate-Shareholder-1-name have additional UBO's?

Would you like to add another shareholder @entity-shareholder-change?

If no further UBO's or shareholders need to be added you can submit the information and our customer success team will get started!

New Director

Please fill out the following UBO details of the new director of @entity-director-change

UBO 2 Details

First & Middle Name
Please enter the first name
Last Name
Please enter the last name
Please select a the date of birth
Please enter the Nationality
Place of Birth
Please enter the place of birth
Email address
Please enter a valid email address
Please enter a the address

Address Details

Please enter a the address
Please enter the city
Postal Code
Please enter the postal code
Please enter the province
Please enter the country

Does @CD-1-name have additional UBO's?

Would you like to add another director @entity-director-change?

If no further UBO's or directors need to be added you can submit the information and our customer success team will get started!

New Shareholder

Please fill out the following UBO details of the new shareholder of @entity-shareholder-change

UBO 2 Details

First & Middle Name
Please enter the first name
Last Name
Please enter the last name
Please select a the date of birth
Please enter the Nationality
Place of Birth
Please enter the place of birth
Email address
Please enter a valid email address
Please enter a the address

Address Details

Please enter a the address
Please enter the city
Postal Code
Please enter the postal code
Please enter the province
Please enter the country

Does @Corporate-Shareholder-1-name have additional UBO's?

Would you like to add another shareholder @entity-shareholder-change?

If no further UBO's or shareholders need to be added you can submit the information and our customer success team will get started!

New Director

Please fill out the following UBO details of the new director of @entity-director-change

UBO 3 Details

First & Middle Name
Please enter the first name
Last Name
Please enter the last name
Please select a the date of birth
Please enter the Nationality
Place of Birth
Please enter the place of birth
Email address
Please enter a valid email address
Please enter a the address

Address Details

Please enter a the address
Please enter the city
Postal Code
Please enter the postal code
Please enter the province
Please enter the country

If @CD-1-name has additional UBO's please send an email to support@otonomos.com

Would you like to add another director @entity-director-change?

If no further UBO's or directors need to be added you can submit the information and our customer success team will get started!

New Shareholder

Please fill out the following UBO details of the new shareholder of @entity-shareholder-change

UBO 3 Details

First & Middle Name
Please enter the first name
Last Name
Please enter the last name
Please select a the date of birth
Please enter the Nationality
Place of Birth
Please enter the place of birth
Email address
Please enter a valid email address
Please enter a the address

Address Details

Please enter a the address
Please enter the city
Postal Code
Please enter the postal code
Please enter the province
Please enter the country

Does @Corporate-Shareholder-1-name have additional UBO's? Please send an email to support@otonomos.com

Would you like to add another director @entity-shareholder-change1?

If no further UBO's or shareholders need to be added you can submit the information and our customer success team will get started!

New Director 2

Will the second new director by an individual or a company?

New Shareholder 2

Will the second new shareholder be an individual or a company?

New Director 2

Please fill out the following details of the new director of @entity-director-change

Personal Details

First & Middle Name
Please enter the first name
Last Name
Please enter the last name
Please select a the date of birth
Please enter the Nationality
Place of Birth
Please enter the place of birth
Email address
Please enter a valid email address
Please enter a valid email address

Address Details

Please enter a the address
Please enter the city
Postal Code
Please enter the postal code
Please enter the province
Please enter the country

Would you like to add another director?

New Shareholder 2

Please fill out the following details of the new shareholder of @entity-shareholder-change

Personal Details

First & Middle Name
Please enter the first name
Last Name
Please enter the last name
Please select a the date of birth
Please enter the Nationality
Place of Birth
Please enter the place of birth
Email address
Please enter a valid email address
Phone Number
Please specify an answer

Address Details

Please enter a the address
Please enter the city
Postal Code
Please enter the postal code
Please enter the province
Please enter the country
Ownership: %

Would you like to add another shareholder?

New Corporate Director 2

Please fill out the following details of the new director of @entity-director-change

Company Details Details

Company Name
Please enter the first name
Company Number
Please enter the first name
Please select a the date of birth
Place of Incorporation
Please enter the place of birth
Email address
Please enter a valid email address
Phone Number
Please specify an answer

Registered Address Details

Registered Address
Please enter a the address
Please enter the city
Postal Code
Please enter the postal code
Please enter the province
Please enter the country

As you declared a corporate director, we are required to gather personal details of each Ultimate Beneficial Owner which owns 10% or more. 

New Corporate Shareholder 2

Please fill out the following details of the new corporate shareholder of @entity-shareholder-change

Company Details Details

Company Name
Please enter the first name
Company Number
Please enter the first name
Please select a the date of birth
Place of Incorporation
Please enter the place of birth
Email address
Please enter a valid email address
Phone Number
Please specify an answer

Registered Address Details

Registered Address
Please enter a the address
Please enter the city
Postal Code
Please enter the postal code
Please enter the province
Please enter the country
Ownership: %

As you declared a corporate shareholder, we are required to gather personal details of each Ultimate Beneficial Owner which owns 10% or more.

New Director 2

Please fill out the following details of the new director of @entity-director-change

UBO 1 Details

First & Middle Name
Please enter the first name
Last Name
Please enter the last name
Please select a the date of birth
Please enter the Nationality
Place of Birth
Please enter the place of birth
Email address
Please enter a valid email address
Please enter a the address

Address Details

Please enter a the address
Please enter the city
Postal Code
Please enter the postal code
Please enter the province
Please enter the country

Does @Corporate-Director-2-name have additional UBO's?

Would you like to add another director @entity-director-change?

If no further UBO's or directors need to be added you can submit the information and our customer success team will get started!

New Shareholder 2

Please fill out the following UBO details of the new shareholder of @entity-shareholder-change

UBO 1 Details

First & Middle Name
Please enter the first name
Last Name
Please enter the last name
Please select a the date of birth
Please enter the Nationality
Place of Birth
Please enter the place of birth
Email address
Please enter a valid email address
Please enter a the address

Address Details

Please enter a the address
Please enter the city
Postal Code
Please enter the postal code
Please enter the province
Please enter the country

Does @Corporate-Shareholder-2-name have additional UBO's?

Would you like to add another shareholder @entity-shareholder-change?

If no further UBO's or shareholders need to be added you can submit the information and our customer success team will get started!

New Director 2

Please fill out the following details of the new director of @entity-director-change

UBO 2 Details

First & Middle Name
Please enter the first name
Last Name
Please enter the last name
Please select a the date of birth
Please enter the Nationality
Place of Birth
Please enter the place of birth
Email address
Please enter a valid email address
Please enter a the address

Address Details

Please enter a the address
Please enter the city
Postal Code
Please enter the postal code
Please enter the province
Please enter the country

Does @Corporate-Director-2-name have additional UBO's?

Would you like to add another director @entity-director-change?

If no further UBO's or directors need to be added you can submit the information and our customer success team will get started!

New Shareholder 2

Please fill out the following UBO details of the new shareholder of @entity-shareholder-change

UBO 2 Details

First & Middle Name
Please enter the first name
Last Name
Please enter the last name
Please select a the date of birth
Please enter the Nationality
Place of Birth
Please enter the place of birth
Email address
Please enter a valid email address
Please enter a the address

Address Details

Please enter a the address
Please enter the city
Postal Code
Please enter the postal code
Please enter the province
Please enter the country

Does @Corporate-Shareholder-2-name have additional UBO's?

Would you like to add another shareholder @entity-shareholder-change1?

If no further UBO's or shareholders need to be added you can submit the information and our customer success team will get started!

New Director 2

Please fill out the following details of the new director of @entity-director-change

UBO 3 Details

First & Middle Name
Please enter the first name
Last Name
Please enter the last name
Please select a the date of birth
Please enter the Nationality
Place of Birth
Please enter the place of birth
Email address
Please enter a valid email address
Please enter a the address

Address Details

Please enter a the address
Please enter the city
Postal Code
Please enter the postal code
Please enter the province
Please enter the country

If @Corporate-Director-2-name has additional UBO's please send an email to support@otonomos.com

Would you like to add another director @entity-director-change?

If no further UBO's or directors need to be added you can submit the information and our customer success team will get started!

New Shareholder 2

Please fill out the following UBO details of the new shareholder of @entity-shareholder-change

UBO 3 Details

First & Middle Name
Please enter the first name
Last Name
Please enter the last name
Please select a the date of birth
Please enter the Nationality
Place of Birth
Please enter the place of birth
Email address
Please enter a valid email address
Please enter a the address

Address Details

Please enter a the address
Please enter the city
Postal Code
Please enter the postal code
Please enter the province
Please enter the country

Does @entity-shareholder-change1 have additional UBO's? Please send an email to support@otonomos.com

Would you like to add another shareholder @entity-shareholder-change1?

If no further UBO's or shareholders need to be added you can submit the information and our customer success team will get started!

New Director 3

Will the third new director by an individual or a company?

New Shareholder 3

Will the third new shareholder be an individual or a company?

New Director 3

Please fill out the following details of the new director of @entity-director-change

Personal Details

First & Middle Name
Please enter the first name
Last Name
Please enter the last name
Please select a the date of birth
Please enter the Nationality
Place of Birth
Please enter the place of birth
Email address
Please enter a valid email address
Please enter a the address

Address Details

Please enter a the address
Please enter the city
Postal Code
Please enter the postal code
Please enter the province
Please enter the country

If you would like to add more directors please reach out to support@otonomos.com. 

New Shareholder 3

Please fill out the following details of the new shareholder of @entity-shareholder-change

Personal Details

First & Middle Name
Please enter the first name
Last Name
Please enter the last name
Please select a the date of birth
Please enter the Nationality
Place of Birth
Please enter the place of birth
Email address
Please enter a valid email address
Phone Number
Please specify an answer

Address Details

Please enter a the address
Please enter the city
Postal Code
Please enter the postal code
Please enter the province
Please enter the country
Ownership: %

If you would like to add more directors please reach out to support@otonomos.com

New Corporate Director 3

Please fill out the following details of the new director of @entity-director-change

Company Details Details

Company Name
Please enter the first name
Company Number
Please enter the first name
Please select a the date of birth
Place of Incorporation
Please enter the place of birth
Email address
Please enter a valid email address
Phone Number
Please specify an answer

Registered Address Details

Registered Address
Please enter a the address
Please enter the city
Postal Code
Please enter the postal code
Please enter the province
Please enter the country

As you declared a corporate director, we are required to gather personal details of each Ultimate Beneficial Owner which owns 10% or more.

New Corporate Shareholder 3

Please fill out the following details of the new corporate shareholder of @entity-shareholder-change

Company Details Details

Company Name
Please enter the first name
Company Number
Please enter the first name
Please select a the date of birth
Place of Incorporation
Please enter the place of birth
Email address
Please enter a valid email address
Phone Number
Please specify an answer

Registered Address Details

Registered Address
Please enter a the address
Please enter the city
Postal Code
Please enter the postal code
Please enter the province
Please enter the country
Ownership: %

As you declared a corporate shareholder, we are required to gather personal details of each Ultimate Beneficial Owner which owns 10% or more.

New Director 3

Please fill out the following details of the new director of @entity-director-change

UBO 1 Details

First & Middle Name
Please enter the first name
Last Name
Please enter the last name
Please select a the date of birth
Please enter the Nationality
Place of Birth
Please enter the place of birth
Email address
Please enter a valid email address
Please enter a the address

Address Details

Please enter a the address
Please enter the city
Postal Code
Please enter the postal code
Please enter the province
Please enter the country

Does @Corporate-Director-3-name have additional UBO's?

If you would like to add more directors please reach out to support@otonomos.com

If no further UBO's or directors need to be added you can submit the information and our customer success team will get started!

New Shareholder 3

Please fill out the following UBO details of the new shareholder of @entity-shareholder-change

UBO 1 Details

First & Middle Name
Please enter the first name
Last Name
Please enter the last name
Please select a the date of birth
Please enter the Nationality
Place of Birth
Please enter the place of birth
Email address
Please enter a valid email address
Please enter a the address

Address Details

Please enter a the address
Please enter the city
Postal Code
Please enter the postal code
Please enter the province
Please enter the country

Does @Corporate-Shareholder-2-name1 have additional UBO's?

If you would like to add more shareholders please reach out to support@otonomos.com

If no further UBO's or shareholders need to be added you can submit the information and our customer success team will get started!

New Director 3

Please fill out the following details of the new director of @entity-director-change

UBO 2 Details

First & Middle Name
Please enter the first name
Last Name
Please enter the last name
Please select a the date of birth
Please enter the Nationality
Place of Birth
Please enter the place of birth
Email address
Please enter a valid email address
Please enter a the address

Address Details

Please enter a the address
Please enter the city
Postal Code
Please enter the postal code
Please enter the province
Please enter the country

Does @Corporate-Director-3-name have additional UBO's?

If you would like to add more directors please reach out to support@otonomos.com

If no further UBO's or directors need to be added you can submit the information and our customer success team will get started!

New Shareholder 3

Please fill out the following UBO details of the new shareholder of @entity-shareholder-change

UBO 2 Details

First & Middle Name
Please enter the first name
Last Name
Please enter the last name
Please select a the date of birth
Please enter the Nationality
Place of Birth
Please enter the place of birth
Email address
Please enter a valid email address
Please enter a the address

Address Details

Please enter a the address
Please enter the city
Postal Code
Please enter the postal code
Please enter the province
Please enter the country

Does @Corporate-Shareholder-2-name1 have additional UBO's?

If you would like to add more shareholders please reach out to support@otonomos.com

If no further UBO's or shareholders need to be added you can submit the information and our customer success team will get started!

New Director 3

Please fill out the following details of the new director of @entity-director-change

UBO 3 Details

First & Middle Name
Please enter the first name
Last Name
Please enter the last name
Please select a the date of birth
Please enter the Nationality
Place of Birth
Please enter the place of birth
Email address
Please enter a valid email address
Please enter a the address

Address Details

Please enter a the address
Please enter the city
Postal Code
Please enter the postal code
Please enter the province
Please enter the country

If @Corporate-Director-3-name has additional UBO's please send an email to support@otonomos.com

Would you like to add another director? Please send an email to support@otonomos.com  

If no further UBO's or directors need to be added you can submit the information and our customer success team will get started!

New Shareholder 3

Please fill out the following UBO details of the new shareholder of @entity-shareholder-change

UBO 3 Details

First & Middle Name
Please enter the first name
Last Name
Please enter the last name
Please select a the date of birth
Please enter the Nationality
Place of Birth
Please enter the place of birth
Email address
Please enter a valid email address
Please enter a the address

Address Details

Please enter a the address
Please enter the city
Postal Code
Please enter the postal code
Please enter the province
Please enter the country

Does @Corporate-Shareholder-2-name1 have additional UBO's? Please send an email to support@otonomos.com

Would you like to add another shareholder @entity-shareholder-change1?

If no further UBO's or shareholders need to be added you can submit the information and our customer success team will get started!

Thank you for submitting the info.

To finalize the change of Director application we are required to gather KYC/KYB documents of each declared director.

KYC Details

For all companies the following KYB documents need to be uploaded:

Certificate of Incorporation
Share Certificate(s)
Register of Directors
If applicable
Register of Members
If applicable

For a natural person the following KYC documents need to be uploaded:

Certified Copy of ID
Certified Proof of Address
Certified Copy of 2nd ID
Only for BVI Companies
Bank Reference
Only for BVI Companies
Professional Reference
Only for BVI Companies

To ensure a quick turn around please upload folders in stead of separate files.

A member of our client success team will reach out with further updates.

Thank you for submitting the info.

To finalize the change of Shareholder application we are required to gather KYC/KYB documents of each declared shareholder.

KYC Details

For all companies the following KYB documents need to be uploaded:

Certificate of Incorporation
Share Certificate(s)
Register of Directors
If applicable
Register of Members
If applicable

For a natural person the following KYC documents need to be uploaded:

Certified Copy of ID
Certified Proof of Address
Certified Copy of 2nd ID
Only for BVI Companies
Bank Reference
Only for BVI Companies
Professional Reference
Only for BVI Companies

To ensure a quick turn around please upload folders in stead of separate files.

A member of our client success team will reach out with further updates.

Thank you for submitting the info.

To finalize the change of Controller application we are required to gather KYC documents of each declared controller.

KYC Details

For a natural person the following KYC documents need to be uploaded:

Certified Copy of ID
Certified Proof of Address

To ensure a quick turn around please upload folders in stead of separate files.

A member of our client success team will reach out with further updates.


Please confirm the details below before submitting.

Director 1:

First & Middle Name: 


Last Name: 


Date of Birth: 


Place of Birth: 










@D1-city @D1-Postal

@D1-Province @d1-Country


Please confirm the details below before submitting.

Director 1:

First & Middle Name: 


Last Name: 


Date of Birth: 


Place of Birth: 










@D1-city @D1-Postal

@D1-Province @d1-Country

Director 2:

First & Middle Name: 


Last Name: 


Date of Birth: 


Place of Birth: 










@D2-city @D2-Postal

@D2-Province @D2-Country


Please confirm the details below before submitting.

Director 1:

First & Middle Name: 


Last Name: 


Place of Birth: 


Date of Birth: 










@D1-city @D1-Postal

@D1-Province @d1-Country

Director 2:

First Name: 


Last Name: 


Date of Birth: 


Place of Birth: 










@D2-city @D2-Postal

@D2-Province @D2-Country

Director 3:

First Name & Middle: 


Last Name: 


Date of Birth: 


Place of Birth: 










@D3-city @D3-Postal

@D3-Province @D3-Country


Sorry, your response could not be sent. Please check your internet connection.